Friday, 29 March 2019

Nice Is For Idiots

So – there we were, AFTER a white Australian supremacist had gone to New Zealand and murdered 50 innocent Muslims at prayer, and it was time for New South Wales to have a state election.

The State Labor Leader, Michael Daley was caught on film making the following observation:

He reckoned his comment about “foreigners” wasn’t xenophobic.


The Liberal National Party LNP has been guilty by miles of not only saying nothing about white supremacist hate, but using it to garner votes.

But boy, show me a politician who wouldn't sell their mother to a foreigner if there is a dollar to be made?
The LNP has sold Australia’s water and ecosystems repeatedly to foreign interests for the last 20 years.



Cubbie station diverts entire rivers, the Culgoa and Balonne, into its dams. This foreign owned firm has water storages 28 kilometres long capturing 460 billion litres of Murray-Darling headwaters. Meanwhile, farmers downriver can have a BBQ on the Darling.

The LNP has not yet decriminalised Abortion in NSW.

It was the LNP which last year passed a law making it legal to pass children directly from State Wardship up for adoption – enforcing the stolen generations all over again and speeding up the process to boot.

There are so many reasons – including the awful lack of leadership from our current un-elected PM, Scott Morrison – that Labor should have won the state election by default, but they lost badly.

I suspect Daley’s inexcusable comment about Asians with PhDs had a lot to do with it.

This country is fucked. I could say we get what we deserve, but those who are not settler stock do not deserve what we settlers have done to this country.


This week I went to Wodonga with a friend who is thinking of moving up there. Personally I’m something of a hermit, because I am over being disappointed by people. I am especially over feeling complicit in all the shit that happens in this country. While friend dropped in on her friends and relos, I stayed behind in the accommodation, cos they all just give me the shits.
Later, we went to the stooper market.

“Kev said the Medical Centre is behind the burger shop on the corner, but it’s full of foreigners.”
“How is that relevant?”
“It’s not. It’s just what he said.”
“So why are you repeating it to me? I mean, I know that you know that there are anglo doctors who are total dicks, and anglo doctors who are good. And you know there are foreign doctors who are total dicks, and foreign doctors who are good. And you know how I feel so why are you repeating this shit to me?
I stay away from these good catholic friends of yours cos I know I’m not going to change them and in return I just want people to leave me the fuck alone, so why do I still have to hear this shit?”
“It’s not xenophobic!”

How is not going to a local doctor just cos they are foreign not xenophobic?
In fact how is it not actually even STUPID?
How is it not nice to use words like "shit" or "fuck" but okay to be racist?
How is it okay to be politically incorrect, but not okay to call this shit out?
Why am I the one who is considered anti-social here?

Are these the fucking “nice” idiots voting for the idiots destroying this country?

And by the way, Labor is fucked.

I have some questions for you, Michael Daley.

WHAT fucking jobs? The unemployment in this country is structural and deliberate - there is 1 job for every 8 jobseekers. And it's not like jobs are homogenous or labour is interchangeable or even what economists would call responsive to Demand. It's not like a job seeker with an employed spouse, 3 kids and a mortgage can just piss off interstate to work 30 hours at a shit job that doesn't guarantee permanent employment. How was it okay for a Labor PM (Gillard) to bag people who "did not work hard"? (Let alone lock asylum seekers up offshore. What a punt!)

Do you even understand what is meant by the expression "casualisation of labour" or the term "precariat"?
Do you understand the increasing meaninglessness of "GDP= Gross National Income" when income is not distributed fairly, if at all? Not even distributed within, or even taxed within, Australia in many instances. Gee, thanks a lot, Labor.

What fucking jobs have been stolen that actually require a PhD, and if they have gone to someone with residence or a work visa, how is their race relevant????

What, did One Notion knock you back for membership?

Your Party, when in power, helped create this mess. When in opposition, your party at both state and federal levels continued to support this mess, but are so busy sucking up to voters you just keep pushing the right further and further to the right.

Fuck You Very Much, Labor.

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